December 19, 2013

The Importance of Vibe

Last night my husband and I went to the C.R.A.B.S. (Chesapeake Real Ale Brewers Society) Christmas party.  While the event itself was fine (aka great potluck), what I came away with most was how important vibe is to a brewery.

The event was held at Heavy Seas Brewery in Baltimore, MD.  (Which now that I am linking you to their website I am also annoyed by their web address, sorry tech nerd in me.)

I feel that Heavy Seas is one of the bigger players in the area in terms of local craft beer.  It's easy to find in stores and restaurants.  I am sure I have tried there beer before but sadly it must not have been memorable.

We've been to a lot of breweries.  Big, small and all over the country.  One of the things I most enjoy about going to the brewery is feeling their vibe!  Every brewery I've been to has a vibe whether it's decor, food, games to play while there, atmosphere, location etc.  The beer they create has a personality and the brewery itself becomes an extension of that.  You can have crap beer but if your brewery has a great vibe then you'll have business.

Sadly, Heavy Seas has zero vibe.  There was nothing going for it, nothing to bring me back or even make me want to order one of their beers in the future.  They have a cute logo and beer names they could totally play off of but there was none of that.  I have never felt this way about a brewery before, which is why I think it is bothering me so much.  To their credit they are apparently going to do some remodeling in the near future so hopefully that will help.

"The bathrooms were rather large and nice"

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