January 4, 2014

Chemistry of Beer MOOC

With my real job being an instructional designer for online courses in higher education I was really intrigued when I came across a Chemistry of Beer MOOC.  Having just finished leading our own institutions first MOOC in forensics I know how much time and effort comes with an endeavor like this.  For those who haven't heard this buzz word before, MOOC stands for Massive Open Online Course.  Basically this means that it's a free course that anyone in the world can take for fun but no credit.

This particular MOOC is being offered by The University of Oklahoma, starts on January 13, 2014 and lasts 16 weeks.  It does look interesting but also sounds like it might be pretty hard...I mean it does have the word chemistry in it.

If you have any interest in this MOOC I can tell you from experience it is worth it for you to check it out.  It's very common in MOOC's for there to be a big enrollment with participants serving many roles.  Some people are in it to totally complete the course fully, some are voyeurs and just like to observe what is going on and others sign up and do nothing.  All of these roles are totally fine and you aren't hurting any feelings.  So if you are curious...check it out!

"I'm down!"

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